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Spacious Living Room




Membership Benefits


Each member will receive a complete business listing with an image of their work, business logo, head shot, or a photo of their choosing. This business directory will be available to the public and to strategic-industry partners on our website.


Our members may submit projects, information and media links that will be shared on our social-media pages from time to time. Currently you can find and follow on Instagram @peidesignersanddecoratorsguild


Each member category will receive a recognized designation, based on their membership tier.
Our members may use their specific designation for use on business cards, correspondence, note pads, presentation folders, social media, etc.


Being a Member ensures that you carry professional business insurance.


PEIDDG hosts special events for our group,
our strategic-industry partners, and other professional service providers.


Seminars, workshops, and professional development events.



Uniting in an organization specifically
tailored and targeted to meet your business
needs and objectives.


A code of ethics that all Member designers and decorators must follow.


Volunteer opportunities to be part of a group that is working for you and your industry peers on your journey to business growth and success.


A list of valuable business programs, funding opportunities and industry-wide events.


Engaging with and building relationships with other designers, decorators, and
strategic-industry partners.

Our Future Goals


• Standardization: Agreement for a member approved PEI set rate for mileage rates and driving time fees to and from job sites.

• Accessibility: Working toward building a comprehensive and current database of vendors, trades-persons, and suppliers.

• Meetings and Presentations: We hope to provide or negotiate a welcoming office space in Charlottetown for designers who
may need to meet in private (for a small rental fee).

• Promotion: We will strive to negotiate discounted head shots from professional photographers for members to use in their
promotional listings, social media, and other business applications.

• Collaboration: It is our goal to build strategic relationships with industry partners to offer information sessions on their products and
services, special pricing structures and/or volume discounts with preferred suppliers and vendors.

• Information: The development of an industry-wide newsletter with tips, articles, suggestions, and events

Join now

With membership comes the benefits of networking, advocacy, mentorship, education, special events,
and resources to help you grow and enhance your business.




  1. Complete your Membership Application Form (page 2) and prepare the Membership Application Documentation (pages 3-6) or as found on our website,

  2. Submit the Application Form and Documentation to the PEIDDG Executive Committee (by mail or by email). Mailing address: 93 Pownal St Suite 2A, Charlottetown PE, C1A 3W4. Or email us with the attached documents: 

  3. The PEIDDG Executive Committee will review the application documents and respond VIA EMAIL to the Applicant within thirty days. 

  4. Upon approval of your Membership, we will invoice your yearly dues for 2024. You may then review the payment options available and pay your dues according to your category of membership. Once processed, you will receive an access code for the secure members’ log-In page. 
    Membership will be only granted once the dues have been paid in full.

Membership Categories and Designations

With the express intent of being inclusive of all individuals and businesses working within our industry, we have created different levels of membership, depending on one’s education and experience. These levels of membership and designations are defined

Membership Application

 Membership Dues

Please find all the information and documents required to become a member.

Our yearly membership dues vary depending on which category applies to you and your business.

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